Linked list and Recursion

Write a program for Linked List and Recursion.


struct node
 int info;
 struct node *link;

 struct node *create_list(struct node *start);
 void display(struct node *ptr);
 void Rdisplay(struct node *ptr);
 int length(struct node *ptr);
 int sum (struct node *ptr);
 int search(struct node *ptr, int item );
 struct node *insertLast(struct node *ptr, int value);
 struct node *delLast(struct node *ptr );
 struct node *reverse(struct node *ptr);

 struct node *start=NULL;
 int choice,data; 
 printf("1.Create List\n");
 printf("3.Display in reverse order\n");
 printf("5.Sum of elements\n");
 printf("7.Insert at last\n");
 printf("8.Delete the last node\n");
 printf("9.Reverse the list\n");
 printf("Enter your choice : ");

 case 1:

 case 2:

 case 3:

 case 4:
 printf("Number of elements = %d\n\n",length(start));

 case 5:
 printf("Sum of elements = %d\n\n",sum(start));

 case 6:
 printf("Enter the element to be searched : ");
 if( search(start,data) == 1 )
 printf("Element present\n\n");
 printf("Element not present\n\n");

 case 7:
 printf("Enter the element to be inserted : ");

 case 8:
 printf("Last node deleted......\n");

 case 9:

 case 10:

 printf("Wrong choice\n");


struct node *create_list(struct node *start)

 int i,n,value;
 struct node *q,*tmp;
 printf("Enter the number of nodes : ");

 printf("Enter the element to be inserted : ");
 tmp= malloc(sizeof(struct node));

 if(start==NULL) /*If list is empty */



 return start;


void display(struct node *ptr)


 printf("%d ",ptr->info);


void Rdisplay(struct node *ptr)

 printf("%d ",ptr->info);


int length(struct node *ptr)
 return 0;
 return 1 + length(ptr->link);


/*sum*/ int sum (struct node *ptr)
if (ptr == NULL)
return 0;
return ptr->info + sum(ptr->link);

int search(struct node *ptr, int item )

 return 0;

 if( ptr->info == item )
 return 1;
 return search(ptr->link, item);


struct node *insertLast(struct node *ptr, int item)

 struct node *temp;
 if (ptr == NULL)
 temp = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
 temp->info = item;
 temp->link = NULL;
 return temp;
 ptr->link = insertLast(ptr->link, item);
 return ptr;


struct node *delLast(struct node *ptr )
 if( ptr->link == NULL )
 return NULL;
 ptr->link = delLast(ptr->link);
 return ptr;


struct node *reverse(struct node *ptr)

 struct node *temp;

 if( ptr->link == NULL )
 return ptr;
 return temp;


struct node *reverse(struct node *ptr)
 struct node *temp;
 printf("\nCalled for %d \n",ptr->info);
 if( ptr->link == NULL )
 printf("\nRecursion stopped : \n");
 return ptr;

 printf("Put address of %d in link part of %d\n", ptr->info, ptr->link->info);
 printf("Put NULL in link part of %d\n", ptr->info);
 printf("Return %d\n\n", temp->info);

 return temp;

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