Polynomial Addition and Multiplication using Linked List

Write a program for polynomial addition and multiplication using linked list.


struct node

float coef;
int expo;
struct node *link;


struct node *create(struct node *);
struct node *insert_s(struct node *,float,int);
struct node *insert(struct node *,float,int);
void display(struct node *ptr);
void poly_add(struct node *,struct node *);
void poly_mult(struct node *,struct node *);

main( )

 struct node *start1=NULL,*start2=NULL;

 printf("Enter polynomial 1 :\n");

 printf("Enter polynomial 2 :\n");

 printf("Polynomial 1 is : ");

 printf("Polynomial 2 is : ");

 poly_add(start1, start2);

 poly_mult(start1, start2);


//structure - create

struct node *create(struct node *start)

 int i,n,ex;
 float co;

 printf("Enter the number of terms : ");


 printf("Enter coeficient for term %d : ",i);

 printf("Enter exponent for term %d : ",i);


 return start;


//structure - insert
struct node *insert_s(struct node *start,float co,int ex)

 struct node *ptr,*tmp;

 tmp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

 //list empty or exp greater than first one
 if(start==NULL || ex > start->expo)





 while(ptr->link!=NULL && ptr->link->expo >= ex)


 return start;


//structure - insert

struct node *insert(struct node *start,float co,int ex)
 struct node *ptr,*tmp;

 tmp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

 //If list is empty


 else /*Insert at the end of the list*/



 return start;


void display(struct node *ptr)


 printf("Zero polynomial\n");



 printf("(%.1fx^%d)", ptr->coef,ptr->expo);

 printf(" + ");




void poly_add(struct node *p1,struct node *p2)

 struct node *start3;

 while(p1!=NULL && p2!=NULL)

 if(p1->expo > p2->expo)

 else if(p2->expo > p1->expo)

 else if(p1->expo==p2->expo)

 /*if poly2 has finished and elements left in poly1*/

 /*if poly1 has finished and elements left in poly2*/

 printf("Added polynomial is : ");

void poly_mult(struct node *p1, struct node *p2)
 struct node *start3;
 struct node *p2_beg = p2;

 if(p1==NULL || p2==NULL)
 printf("Multiplied polynomial is zero polynomial\n");





 printf("Multiplied polynomial is : ");

Related Posts,
  1. What is Polynomial?  
  2. Polynomial Addition using Linked List
  3. Polynomial Subtraction using Linked List 
  4. Polynomial Multiplication using Linked List 

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I guess after each multiplication, the term is simply being inserted to the list headed by start3. What about the terms which would have same exponents? They won't be added together to give a single term. There won't be terms with unique exponents in the final multiplied polynomial.
    I am guessing my comment will be removed.

  3. In multiplication the simplified term will contain 2 or more coefficient with same power of x but will not get added

  4. Why don't you free the linked lists?

  5. struct node *create(struct node *);
    could u please explain this declaration

  6. Please follow blog and share with your friends
