Display the Values of Structure Members

Write a program to display the values of structure members

struct student {
                 char name[20];
                 int rollno;
                 float marks;
main( )
    struct student stu1 = {"Mary", 25, 68};
    struct student stu2, stu3;
    strcpy(stu2.name, "John");
    stu2.rollno = 26;
    stu2.marks  =  98;
    printf("Enter name, rollno and marks for stu3 : ");
    scanf("%s %d %f", stu3.name, &stu3.rollno, &stu3.marks);
    printf("stu1 : %s  %d  %.2f\n", stu1.name, stu1.rollno, stu1.marks);
    printf("stu2 : %s  %d  %.2f\n", stu2.name, stu2.rollno, stu2.marks);
    printf("stu3 : %s  %d  %.2f\n", stu3.name, stu3.rollno, stu3.marks);

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