Understand How Structure Members are Sent to a Function

Write a program to understand how structure members are sent to a function 

struct student {
        char name[20];
        int rollno;
        int marks;
void display(char name[ ], int rollno, int marks);
main( )
    struct student stu1 = {"John", 12 , 87 };
    struct student stu2;
    strcpy(stu2.name, "Mary");
    stu2.rollno = 18;
    stu2.marks = 90;
    display(stu1.name, stu1.rollno, stu1.marks);
    display(stu2.name, stu2.rollno, stu2.marks);
void display(char name[ ], int rollno, int marks)
    printf("Name   - %s\t", name);
    printf("Rollno - %d\t", rollno);
    printf("Marks  - %d\n", marks);

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